B loves science. It is more of a hobby than a school subject. He woke up one morning and didn't feel well. He read about germs and became fascinated with a particular germ called T4 bacteriaphage. I cannot tell you anything about it, except that this is what it looks like. Apparently. It has been enlarged to show detail. :) B has discovered a lot of how this particular germ attaches to a cell, inserts itself into the cell and how it hijacks the nucleus of the cell by alterning the DNA and then exploding with a million more of these little buggars.
We are studying how Lewis and Clark are preparing for the journey. One of the missions for this journey was to establish trade with the Indian Nations along the way. They had created peace tokens that showed a handshake on one side and President Jefferson on the other side. I had the boys create their own peace tokens. Also this is a Picture of Lewis and Clark done by C.